FREE Bass Fishing Secrets!

I can't believe he's giving you this bass fishing stuff...

My buddy Dan has just revealed some old bass fishing secrets... and he's giving it away for free.

The only requirement is that you have to be a bass fisherman, and he doesn't want you to share it with too many people.

This stuff is lethal for slamming bass like nobody's business.

Just go here to get it:

He's only doing this because your on my bass fishing newsletter, and Dan is a good friend of mine.

It's a good thing you're on my list, or you'd never see these deadly techniques...

Go there now, he's not going to leave this stuff up for long.

Have a good one.

Linden Huckle

fishing for largemouth bass

Old School Bass Fishing Secrets

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Bass Fishing Tips - Under The Trees!

A good bass fishing article from Scott Michael below.

Fishing For Bass in the Trees

This article is another in my series of articles on bass fishing. It involves my system of fishing for bass in laydowns and over hanging trees with a floating minnow lure.

The best Lay Downs to Target

I prefer to target fresh laydowns with leaves still on the branches with this system, as they will still have insects on them and this will draw bait fish which will in turn draw in the bass to feed.

What Lure to use

My old stand by for this is the original floating rapala in brown gold color. This is not to say that your favorite minnow bait will not work but I have been catching fish with this lure in this situation for over 30 years and see no reason to change.

My Preferred Tackle

With out Question my favorite tackle for this system is a 7 foot medium St Coix spinning rod with a Shimano reel and 10 lb line.

Boat Position

I will approach my trees form a direct angle with the bow of my boat pointing directly into the trees so as to be able to reach all points of the cover. and to able to skip my bait up under the over hanging trees if possible.

With lay downs boat position is not as crucial as you only need to be sure you can pick apart the different spots on the laydowns... ie getting a cast up near the bank where the root of the tree comes into the water this will usually be the most shaded area on the laydown and afford the bass an ambush point.

Working the lure in over hangs

I will start by casting my floating rapala to the farthest point I can up under an overhanging tree. I will allow it to rest for a few seconds and then begin a retrieve of subtle jerks pulling the bait just under the water and then allowing it to float back to the surface like a submarine and let it sit for a second then repeat back to the boat.

Be sure to change up your cadence if your not getting bit... as a rule largemouth bass prefer the slower retrieve and smallmouth prefer a sharp quick jerking motion , experiment with your retrieve let the bass tell you what they want.

Working the bait in laydowns

My approach for laydowns never wavers I always use the same technique when fishing laydowns and wood piles. I will throw the rapala as close to the cover as I can , and use a super slow retrieve by small slow jerks under the water let the bait surface and sit for as long as you can stand it..then repeat.

I will fish every ambush point possible on this type of cover and hit each "spot on the spot" several times.

This technique will produce year round I pound this pattern hard in rivers with wood piles for smallmouth, it is deadly. The next time your out, put on that floating minnow bait and give this technique a try you wont be disappointed.

I have been fishing for bass for over 40 years you can find more articles, tips, tricks, videos and more at Get more articles tips and tricks at

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